Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lily Flowers

Finally finished this piece that we started on Jessica back in March which I had posted before, just in time for summer!

Photo #1: Lily flowers: Referenced used / Filligree design: Freehand.

Photo #2: (below) Outline / Partial Blackwork.


Monday, May 9, 2011

...Burning Phoenix Backpiece...

...We've been working on this for a while. This cat, Mike, has 2 jobs and goes to school full-time! Definitely going to be a while before we finish but I thought I'd give a sneak-peek of the progress since we began Color in our last session. I definitely don't mind the big gaps between sessions cause as long as he stays grinding, it trickles on down and I stay grinding!
Note: Samurai Mask done by someone else.

...Califonya' Twist... twist on the CA Angles logo...